What's happening

Thank you for helping us to create our new local laws (by-laws) for the City of PAE. Thanks to your input, our reviewed By-laws were endorsed by Council at the meeting on 12 July 2022 and came into effect in December 2022.

By-laws must be reviewed by the Legislative Review Committee (LRC). in November 2022, the LRC wrote to us raising concerns with the language used in some of our clauses and ask us to consider modernising the language. As the changes requested cause minimal impact to the By-laws themselves, we have agreed to make these amendments, which requires mandatory community engagement.

Amendments have proposed relate to By-law No. 3 - Use of Local Government Land and are shown as By-law No. 9 Amended Local Government Land By-law, in the 11 April 2023 Council Report. Feedback relating to these amendments closed on Wednesday 17 May 2023.

By-law No. 9 Amended Local Government Land By-law, was endorsed by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 13 June 2023.

By-Laws background

Council creates by-laws (local laws) to manage Council-specific issues. Many by-laws are in place to protect the comfort and safety of our community, or to prevent damage to Local Government Land. Many by-laws we cannot change, however some can be adjusted based on feedback from the community. Our By-Laws are due to expire on 1 January 2023.

Stage 1 of this review involved consultation with the community to help shape the drafting of the By-laws. Community consultation was undertaken between 6 October and 29 November 2021 through the Have Your Say Page.

As a result of the consultation, 8 draft By-laws have been prepared by Council’s Lawyers. The By-laws have been amended to reflect legislative changes, remove ambiguity, and facilitate effective enforcement of the By-laws, and address potential shortcomings in the current By-laws to ensure they meet the needs of both the Council and broader community.

Stage 2 of community engagement asked the community to review the 8 draft By-laws and provide feedback prior to the revised By-laws being taken to Council for endorsement.

Explore our By-Laws

Find out more about by-laws and view a list of the draft changes on the Learn more page.

Note: The by-law review process does not include a review into our on- and off-leash rules for dogs. A separate consultation is reviewing this.